
What's going on with FOKLSS

Read more about what’s happening with FOKLSS. Contact us to have your content featured on our blog.

  Friends of Kootenay Lake's Kootenay lake Watershed Monitoring Program is now underway! Beginning in August 2020, Friends of Kootenay Lake volunteers and staff will be gathering data on streams along the West Arm of Kootenay Lake. Our team will be using...

With summer days in full swing, many of us are enjoying these long hot days at our favorite spots around Kootenay Lake. As more folks are staying close to home, the lake has come into focus as a destination for...

Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society offers a CABIN Field Assistant Training for Kootenay Lake residents Register here Note: Due to limited spaces, those who register will be contacted by our team to determine their ability and interest in continuing to monitor...

Do you have an interest in community organizing, water stewardship and want to share your skills with a local non-profit? Becoming a member of the FOKLSS board is a great way to share your talents and ideas and contribute to the...

On June 3rd via Zoom webinar, we had our first virtual AGM. Thank you to all our members and supporters who showed up online and gave their support and input on the work we do If you would like to see the...

Get up to speed on what Friends of Kootenay Lake has been up to Join us for our first online AGM on June 3rd at 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Through these challenging times, we here at FOKLSS have been keeping ourselves...

Register for the first-ever Friends of Kootenay Lake Osprey Monitoring Webinar! The first week of April marks the return of the high flying, deep diving and fish-loving Osprey (pandion haliaetus). These birds migrate here from Central and South America, returning to their...

Local adventurers dedicate their Race to Alaska to the Lake they love.   Five local sailors are truly giving back to the lake they sail on. They race and cruise on a consistent basis on Kootenay Lake, and have decided its time...