Kootenay Lake Library

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[caption id="attachment_1437" align="aligncenter" width="375"] Nest Box Design[/caption] Want to increase the habitat values on your property?  Installing and maintaining nest boxes is a great way to help wildlife and increase wildlife viewing on your property.  This nest box design package will...

[caption id="attachment_1345" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Osprey[/caption]   The British Columbia Nest Record Scheme is the largest and most active program for nesting birds in North America. Because of a huge coordinated effort throughout British Columbia, and with the assistance of regional coordinators and...

Want to learn more about Osprey's their nesting behaviour and how to monitor their activities during breeding, but did not have a chance to attend the Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society Workshops in May 2016. Take the time to...

POLIS- Illumination OLIVER M. BRANDES & TIM MORRIS, with JENNIFER ARCHER, LAURA BRANDES, MICHELE-LEE MOORE, JON O’RIORDAN, and NATASHA OVERDUIN  In British Columbia, addressing freshwater challenges is a critical economic, social and ecological priority. The historic drought of 2015 depleted reservoirs, dried...

Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is in the process of collating information with regard to this issue. We will be reviewing information from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and various sources before making any formal response. We will...

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is responsible for stewardship of Provincial Crown land and natural resources, and protection of B. C.'s archaeological and heritage resources. Overseeing a land base of 94.8 million hectares, the Ministry supports...

OSPREY NEST MONITORING PROJECT The Osprey Nest Monitoring Project is a Citizen-Science initiative that seeks to build the capacity of information on the status of breeding ospreys in the Kootenay Lake area. The project will also contribute to engaging and educating...

[caption id="attachment_1317" align="aligncenter" width="1459"] Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is raising awareness about kokanee that spawn along the shoreline and is working with the Province to initiate a “report a spawner program”. This program will help to increase our...

Use of an Age-Structured Population Model to Determine the Possible Causes for Recruitment Failure The West Arm of Kootenay Lake once supported a significant  burbot (Lota  Iota) fishery with an annual harvest of up to 20,000 fish in the late 1960's to...

This report has been prepared based upon the belief that it is possible to manage our watersheds and their natural surroundings in a sustainable manner. The intent of this document is to provide relevant stakeholders with pertinent environmental information to...