
Join our group of lake keepers

Volunteer Now!

We have been on hiatus for some months due to funding difficulties, but now we are asking for volunteers to step up to form a lively informal, transitional working group to help us focus on a new, more sustainable direction for the future.

Please get in touch if you have some time this summer or fall and enthusiasm for what we do.

We need help with fundraising.

  • Do have any fundraising experience? or
  • An interest event organizing and reaching out to potential donors? or
  • Perhaps you have a fundraising idea or a sponsorship challenge you’d like to try?

Our Strategic Plan needs to be reviewed and updated with some clear deliverables.

  • Do you have experience that could help us reshape our strategic plan?

We want to be able to reach out and communicate with residents, businesses and communities around the Lake clearly, helping build a shared understanding of hope the Lake functions as a cohesive ecosystem, including it watersheds, flora and fauna.

  • Do you have any experience of collaboration in supporting the flow of data from the lake’s many monitoring activities, to better understand any changes that are revealed?
  • Do you have speaking or writing skills that could help us communicate vital findings to local people?

We want to be able to work with others around the Lake.

  • Do you have any connections to local companies such as FortisBC, Columbia Power, Teck, CBT, Realtor or BCHydro?
  • Or to local groups like Living Lakes Canada, Kootenay Lake Partnership, Wildsight, or Kootenay Conservation Program?
  • What about local governments (the RDCK, City of Nelson and other municipal jurisdictions around the lake) and local environmental education programs (Selkirk College), or
  • Local businesses, industry and consultancies with an interest in the lake and its watersheds (such as tourism, breweries, water engineering, local produce)?

We would love to hear from you.

Please contact: executivedirector@friendsofkootenaylake. ca

Other Current volunteer opportunities

Grant Writing

All year

Help write grants throughout the year to support important stewardship and education projects.

Data Analysis

All year

Input data that was collected during the field season into our database, help analyze trends, and more.

Potential future volunteer opportunities – watch for updates!

Shoreline Cleanups


Opportunities available Spring 2023

Pitch in and help clean up trash from Kootenay Lake’s shorelines! We host cleanup events throughout the spring, summer, and fall months around Kootenay Lake. Interested in arranging your own cleanups with friends? Contact us.

Watershed Monitoring


Opportunities available Summer 2023

Want to learn how to monitor creeks and streams in the Kootenay Lake watershed? Through our Watershed Monitoring program, you can learn how to monitor using the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Inventory Network (CABIN) protocol and receive free training to become a certified “Field Assistant.” Use these skills to monitor creeks and streams in your own backyard or join FoKLSS staff in monitoring the Kootenay Lake watershed.

Osprey & Bald Eagle Monitoring


Opportunities available Spring 2023

Help monitor the reproductive success of Ospreys and Bald Eagles in the Kootenay Lake region! You will receive training in the spring on how to monitor these species and will be assigned an nest to monitor. You will also have the opportunity to join staff on the boat to monitor nests on the North, South, and West Arms of Kootenay Lake.

Western Toad Monitoring


Opportunities available Spring 2023

Learn how to monitor Western Toads and other amphibian species at Harrop Wetland and help collect data on their reproductive success, plant diversity, water levels, and more.

Education & Outreach

All year

Opportunities available: 

Summit Committee Members 

Are you a people person? Enjoy sharing your passion for Kootenay Lake with others? Through supporting FoKLSS staff at public events, education days at schools, committees, and more you can help educate and inspire your community on local lake stewardship.

Wetland Restoration


Opportunities available Spring 2023

Help enhance Harrop Wetland through basin construction, native vegetation salvaging and planting, monitoring and more.