Kootenay Lake Tag

It's officially winter in the Kootenays, although it might not look like it in some areas! One of the beautiful things about living near Kootenay Lake is that it doesn't freeze in the winter, staying around 4 degrees Celsius throughout the coldest seasons. This means...

Did you hear? Friends of Kootenay Lake turns 10 this month!  That's 10 years of impactful stewardship and education work dedicated to improving the health of Kootenay Lake. And it's all thanks to our supporters, members, volunteers, and funders!  To celebrate this awesome milestone, we would like to...

Harrop Wetland is a small but very important habitat located in Sunshine Bay Regional Park, Harrop, BC. It is considered an ephemeral wetland, meaning it only retains water seasonally and only in wet years, filling primarily by Kootenay Lake floodwaters and precipitation. Since 2013, we have...

As fall comes to an end, so does our season of monitoring Shore-Spawning Kokanee (SSK) Salmon at our restoration site. We had another awesome year and we are looking forward to monitoring in the new year. Kokanee Salmon & Why They Are in Decline Shoreline Spawning Kokanee...

On a beautiful and sunny Friday afternoon, 10 volunteers and FOKLSS staff gathered at the Nelson Dog Walk to clean up the shoreline. The goal of this cleanup was to make this area safer for dogs and our community. Nelson Dog Walk is littered with glass...

On Sunday, August 1st, the FoKLSS team along with some Harrop community members joined Tom Biebighauser, Wetland Designer from Kentucky and Norm Allard, Wetland Restoration Project Manager from the Yaqan Nukiy Band in Creston, to assess the status of the Harrop Wetland. The purpose of this...
