2021 AGM Review: Excitement About the Future

Our 2021 AGM has now come and gone, and it went amazing. Thank you to everyone who attended! The notes and presentation from the AGM can be found below.

You can find the entire AGM on YouTube here.

AGM Introduction

Camille LeBlanc, Friends of Kootenay Lake Program Manager, began the AGM by presenting a poem written by one of our members, Phil Mader. The poem captured the feeling and imagery presented by Kootenay Lake, and set a great tone to begin our meeting!

Camille and Martin Carver, Board Chair, reflected on the history of Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society (FoKLSS). Formed nine years ago now, FoKLSS started as a EcoSociety program. Camille then went into a further discussion of the programs born and completed in 2020, as well as where we are headed in 2021.

Program Update: 2020-2021

Following a brief introduction to our programs, Camille went more in-depth and discussed what we achieved in each pillar of our programming (shoreline restoration, environmental monitoring and public education and outreach) over the last year. We progressed our programs a lot in the last year and we are excited for 2021. Of note is the osprey monitoring program, which is now in its 5th year of existence meaning we can compile the data after this season!

We also introduced several new elements to our Shoreline Restoration Programs. As part of our Shore Spawning Kokanee Habitat Restoration project we installed seepage meters, experimented with egg tubes, and restored common spawning locations along the West Arm. These projects will allow us to go forward in 2021 with an idea of what we can do to best assist shore-spawning kokanee and decreasing the numbered of dewatered redds. Our beach cleanup initiative had a strong impact, especially on the East Shore, and we hope the April East Shore Cleanup becomes an annual event!

Camille then reviewed our current Board Members and the different Committees the Board forms.

Next, Board Member and Treasurer Rory Gallaugher presented our 2020 Financial Review, explaining the organization did well to manage the budget this year.

Board Member Election

Finally, Board Chair Martin Carver took over to introduce two candidates up for election to the Friends of Kootenay Lake Board, Tina Deenik and Ben Simoni! Both were elected to the Board, as there were two spots to fill.

Tina Deenik is completing her Masters in Earth and Environmental Science at UBCO. For her Masters, Tina is looking at using machine learning to create predictive wetland maps based on remote sensing/LiDAR. Tina has worked as both an Environmental Consultant and Field Biologist where she worked on land-use planning projects and sensitive habitat inventory mapping and at-risk and endangered species inventories. Tina is excited to join FoKLSS in their restoration and conservation efforts and assist with projects.

Tina Deenik, FoKLSS Board Member

Ben Simoni has been an outdoor educator, guide and nature interpreter for the past ten years, and has had the pleasure of working across North America, Australia and New Zealand. Ben lives in Nelson, but is a a student at Royal Roads University in the Masters of Arts in Environment and Management Program. Ben is also the WildSafeBC coordinator for the Selkirk-Purcell region. Ben is excited to join the FOKLSS board because of his long-standing belief in the importance of local stewardship. He hopes to bring his education and leadership experience to contribute to the FoKLSS vision and mission.

Ben Simoni, FoKLSS Board Member

The floor was then opened for a brief question period before wrapping up.

AGM Notes

FoKLSS 2021 AGM Meeting Notes

AGM Presentation


Feature Image: Douglas Noblet