KCP Conservation Ambassador Training: Friends of Kootenay Lake’s Lessons in Stewardship

FoKLSS’ Program Manager, Camille LeBlanc, helped the Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP) deliver module three of their Conservation Ambassador Training last week.

As part of this module KCP partners that are stewardship representatives from various backgrounds, who often work with private landowners, discussed the practical side of being a land and water steward. Camille LeBlanc and co-presenter Georgia Peck from Living Lakes Canada provided advice and resources on how to spot opportunities (ie. a search image) for stewardship in wet environments and open up a conversation with land owners and managers.

As a leader of these training modules, Camille shared relevant information, case studies, innovative techniques, and more, to help fellow practitioners become more knowledgeable when they are doing work in the field.

Conservation Ambassador Training, created by KCP, is meant to take their stewardship solution tool to the next level by encouraging peer-learning for stewardship practitioners on a variety of themes. It is meant to help restoration projects that want to better understand how to provide more holistic field assessments for landowners and on-the-ground practical solutions.

The Conservation Ambassador Training includes 3 modules:
1.       Stewarding for Plant & Insect Biodiversity
2.       Stewarding for Nesting and Roosting Habitat
3.       Stewarding for Water & Wet Habitats During Climate Change

Camille provided a presentation for the third module in the training. Her background in environmental and social sciences has helped her in her work doing environmental advocacy around Kootenay Lake. She drew on her educational and professional background to share real world examples of stewardship advocacy.

Camille’s presentation, focusing on stewardship and interacting with landowners, begins with a description of FoKLSS’ pillars of stewardship, and why stewardship is important with the changing climate. Then, she identifies private stewardship’s role and what you and landowners can look for on properties. Finally, she discusses how to talk about stewardship with these landowners before showing how stewardship is a part of all of our programs.

KCP has released the session recordings so you can now watch all three modules, including the rest of Camille’s presentation, on their website here.

FoKLSS would like to thank KCP for providing practical and accessible learning opportunities for stewardship groups and professionals all across the Kootenay Region.

To learn more about the KCP Stewardship Toolkit go here.