CABIN Water Quality Monitoring Training: Field Assistant Certification

Friends of Kootenay Lake, as part of our Watershed Monitoring Program, is again offering training for our volunteers and partners to help us monitor streams along the West Arm of Kootenay Lake. Year two of this program will add to, and build on, an existing body of data on Kootenay Lake tributaries.

We will meet at Lakeside Park in Nelson, BC, and then drive to selected streams in the Nelson area for the workshop.

Assessing the health of a stream can be done by assessing the populations of insects living in it — specifically, benthic macroinvertebrates (the backboneless bugs that are generally visible to the naked eye that live on the bottom of streams).

What is CABIN?

In Canada, CABIN (Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Inventory Network) is a federally recognized and standardized protocol that compares the biological, physical and chemical properties of a test stream to those of a comparable reference stream. The presence and abundance of certain benthic macroinvertebrate species is one indicator of stream health that is measured in this protocol.

Friends of Kootenay Lake is one of many grassroots organizations joining a network of environmental professionals training everyday people to be active stewards in their watersheds. This free two-day CABIN training is a great opportunity to grow your skillset, especially for environmental students or professionals who want to keep their skills relevant. Every participant will come away with a CABIN Field Assistant certification. Further training will be made available through a bursary program for those who are interested.

We only have 12 spots, so register quick following the Eventbrite link here.

We’d like to thank our sponsors for this event: REFBC, RDCK, CBT and City of Nelson.

Event Details

When: August 26, 8am – 4pm and August 27th, 8am – 3:30pm

Where: Nelson, BC – meeting at Lakeside Park. Must have your own vehicle to drive to the demonstration sites.

Cost: FREE

Instructors: Certified CABIN trainers and instructors from Selkirk College’s School of Environment and Geomatics, Allison Lutz & Doris Hausleitner