Earth Month: Kootenay Lake Stewardship Challenge

About the challenge:

April is Earth Month and to celebrate, we are challenging you to participate in 10 stewardship activities that will give back to Kootenay Lake this month! By signing up below, you will receive a challenge card with activities you can check off during the month. For every activity you do and photos you share, you will win awesome FoKLSS swag!


FoKLSS hat: Full card

Watershed map: 5-9 boxes checked

FoKLSS sticker: 3-4 boxes checked

*In combination with the boxes checked, you must share at least one photo of you completing an activity to win a prize. Use #KLstewardshipchallenge, tag us @friendsofkootenaylake, or send photo(s) to

Take part in the challenge here