02 Jul Lake Resources: Kootenay Lake Development Permit Area Review
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) has begun a review of the Kootenay Lake Development Permit Area.
“Environmental Development Permit Areas are one of the tools used by local governments to ensure that development activities are completed in a way that is sensitive to the natural environment.”
The RDCK is hoping to create more consistent expectations for development within the electoral areas surrounding Kootenay Lake. As of now, there are different development requirements, which has caused some confusion.
Having consistent expectations for development should also better reflect conservation best practices.
This resource is important as creating consistent expectations for development within all electoral areas that include Kootenay Lake will lead to better and stronger conservation practices for the Kootenay Lake shoreline and riparian zone. In line with our own vision, the RDCK hopes this project will “preserve the shared values for Kootenay Lake for the long-term and ensure it is a healthy lake that can support all living things that depend on it.”
A Resource for Kootenay Lake Living is a document providing an overview of riparian areas, shoreline stewardship principles, and the roles of various levels of government along the shoreline.
If you would like to learn more about EDPAs or Development Permit Areas in general, you can watch the following video recordings that provide more in-depth detail:
Environmental Development Permits Areas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1fTIYtXPnE
Development Permit Areas in the RDCK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7S9Ylt5jdEc
We also discussed this project on our Podcast, Voices of the Lake, in an interview with Corey Scott! Corey is the Project Manager for this review program.