International Kootenay Lake Board of Control (IKLBC)

International Kootenay Lake Board of Control (IKLBC)

We are very happy to announce that Greg Utzig, one of our longstanding founding FOKLSS members, has been appointed as a Canadian public representative on the IKLBC, established under the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission.

This is an important appointment for us as the IKLBC enforces the Order that specifies the seasonal levels of Kootenay Lake. The IKLBC has initiated a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment looking at the potential impacts of climate change on lake levels and we anticipate reviewing the results when they are available. The IKLBC is also considering undertaking a review of the Order itself. We look forward to participating in that process if and when public input opportunities are made available. The IKLBC meets annually, in-person in the region, alternating between Bonners Ferry and Nelson and these meetings are open to the public. This year the meeting will be in Nelson in early May. Further information is available at the IKLBC.

You can learn more here: International Kootenay Lake Board of Control International Joint Commission
