10 Sep Congratulations to the winner of the 2018 Earth Day Beach Clean-Up – Trash to Art Challenge!
The Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society celebrated Earth Day, Sunday April 22nd, this year by hosting two beach clean-ups around Kootenay Lake. On Saturday April 21st at Crawford Creek Beach and on Sunday April 22nd Kokanee Creek Park. Community members searched the shoreline for garbage and waste items which were removed and taken to landfill. To add another element to this educational activity FOKLSS held a trash-to-art competition where beach combers were asked to collect items from their clean up and create artwork in an attempt to raise awareness of the amount of garbage present within and around Kootenay Lake.
With a total of 14 applicants it was a challenge to pick a winner as all artworks focused on various aspects that trash had on the local ecosystem. Finally, Vicky Issott was chosen as the winner based on her artwork which depicts a bear and is made from both trash and natural items. Congratulations again Vicky!
In second place was Romany Watt, with a piece comprised almost entirely of Styrofoam which depicts Kootenay Lake and the surrounding mountains. Congratulations to both of our winners!
Together we can all work to keep Kootenay Lake healthy for the benefit of all in an ever-changing environment.
The next Earth Day is on Monday April 22nd, 2019. We look forward to seeing the community come together once again to make a positive impact on the health of Kootenay Lake. We will post our next beach cleanup dates on our website; www.friendsofkootenaylake.ca.
Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is a society which aims to improve the health and stewardship of Kootenay Lake through monitoring, habitat restoration, capacity building, and the empowerment of local communities, First Nations, and stakeholders.
If you’d like more information on how you can get involved through FOKLSS, please call us at 250 777 2744 or email info@friendsofkootenaylake.ca.