Our Podcast

Podcast Series: Voices of the Lake


The Friends of Kootenay Lake Podcast Series: Voices of the Lake will expand your understanding and awareness of place with a dive into historical, current and future narratives of the Kootenay Lake Basin. The host, former Environmental Outreach Coordinator Joelle Burnie, interviewed local experts, scientists, historians, advocates, artists, cultural leaders, recreationalists, and storytellers in various fields.

Our vision for this podcast was to bring local communities together around our shared love and curiosity of Kootenay Lake through the provision of information that affects all lake users. Each episode features music from local musicians, making the podcast a celebration of Kootenay Lake, its people, and its culture.




Former Environmental Outreach Coordinator, Joelle Burnie.







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Episode 26

Youth Climate Corps: Empowering Youth in the Anthropocene

February 9, 2023

Guest: Mel Lavery, West Kootenay Youth Climate Corps Coordinator

Host: Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Youth, Future, Eco-anxiety, Hope, Climate Change, Career, Environment, Education, Outdoor Educator, Community, Impact, Skills, Learning, Wildfire Management, Harvesting, Experience, Post-Secondary Education, Kootenays

Topics: Wildsight and their mission; Wildsight Projects and Programs; Working in the Environmental Field; Experiencing Eco-anxiety; Advice for Younger Generations; How to Remain Hopeful during the Climate Crisis; Youth Climate Corps; Youth Climate Corps Projects; Surveys from Youth; How to get Involved in the Program



Episode 25

Diving Deep: Uncovering the Mystery of Microplastics in Freshwater Lakes 

January 31, 2023

Guest: Natasha Klasios, PhD Candidate at the University of British Columbia

Host: Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Microplastics, Freshwater Lakes, Aquatic Ecosystems, Marine Environments, Research, Plastic Pollution, Wastewater Effluent, Runoff, Fibers, Polyester, Contaminants, Water Samples, Chemical Digestion, Filters, Zooplankton, Food Chain, Recreation, Zero-waste, Reuse

Topics: What are Microplastics?; How Microplastics end up in Freshwater Lakes; Concerns Associated with Microplastics; Sampling Microplastics in Eight BC Lakes; Findings from Natasha’s Research; How to Limit our Use of Microplastics; Removing Microplastics from Lake Environments

Music: “Aboota” Jay Danley featuring Rich Brown. YouTube.

Natasha shares more of her research and work on her Twitter here: @natashaklasios



Episode 24

Community Powered: Protecting Kootenay Lake’s Watershed through Small-Scale Forestry 

January 17, 2023

Guest: Erik Leslie, Forestry Consultant and Manager of the Harrop-Procter Community Forest Co-op

Host: Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Kootenay Lake, Non-profit, Community, Forestry, Harvesting, Watersheds, Old Growth Forests, Watershed Protection, Streams, Sawmill, Sustainable Forest Practices, Stewardship, Watershed Monitoring, Ecosystem Based Planning, Risks, Climate Change Adaptation, Wildfire, Flooding

Topics: Harrop-Procter Community Forest Co-op; Ecosystem-Based Planning; Ecosystem considerations before harvesting; Protecting the Kootenay Lake watershed through sustainable forestry, Harrop-Procter Watershed Society; Climate change adaptation pilot project; ways to support the Harrop-Procter Community Forest Co-op

Music: “The River” by Born on a Wednesday on a Wednesday, available on Bandcamp and Spotify. Visit their website and their Instagram page @bornonawednesdaymusic

Harrop-Procter Community Forest Resources: 

Website: https://hpcommunityforest.org/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@hpcommunityforest4210/videos


Episode 23

In this Together: Conservation through Collaboration 

December 20, 2022

Guest: Juliet Craig, Program Director for the Kootenay Conservation Program

Host: Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Stewardship, Conservation, Partnerships, Projects, Collaboration, Kootenays, Private Landowner Stewardship, Private Land, Habitat, Plants, Wildlife, Ecosystem Connectivity, Wetlands, Climate Change, Organizations, Action Forums, Community, Network, Restoration

Topics: Kootenay Conservation Program (KCP); why KCP is important; how KCP brings organizations together; Stewardship Projects in the Kootenays; Local Conservation Funds; tax based services to support conservation projects; RDCK Electoral Area F and its potential of establishing a Local Conservation Fund

Music: “Stormy Weather” by Loretta Davidson

More information about Kootenay Conservation Program:

Website: https://kootenayconservation.ca/

E-newsletter sign up: https://kootenayconservation.ca/kcp-enewsletter-sign-up-form/

Kootenay Connect: https://kootenayconservation.ca/kootenay-connect/

Local Conservation Funds: https://kootenayconservation.ca/about-local-conservation-funds/

Stewardship Solutions Toolkit: https://kootenayconservation.ca/stewardship-solutions/



Episode 22

Connect & Protect: Conserving Grizzly Bears in a Fragmented Landscape

December 5, 2022

Guest: Dr. Michael Proctor, independent research scientist and lead researcher for the Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project

Host: Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Grizzly Bears, Conservation, Fragmentation, Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project, Kootenay Connect, Kootenay Lake, Home Range, DNA, Genetics, Wildlife Corridors, Creston Valley, Bear Safe, Bear Spray, Berry Picking

Topics: Interesting facts and misconceptions about Grizzly Bears; Grizzly Bear populations in the Kootenays; fragmentation of local Grizzly Bear populations; Trans-border Grizzly Bear Project; Kootenay Connect; the importance of wildlife corridors; how to support local Grizzly Bear populations; how to stay safe in the backcountry

Music: “I’ll Come and Find You” by Earl Hamilton. Check him out here.



Episode 21

Wild Youth: Birding Around Kootenay Lake

September 26, 2022

Guest: Gaelen Schnare, youth bird enthusiast

Host:  Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Birds, Birding, Identification, Kootenay Lake, Creston Valley Bird Fest, Wildlife, Wildlife Viewing, Nature Watching

Topics: Birding as a young person; bird species and birding areas around Kootenay Lake; temporal observations; fall bird migration; birding tips, apps, and benefits.

Music: “Mirror” by Born on a Wednesday, check them out here


Episode 20

Moving Forward: Building Climate Resilience around Kootenay Lake

July 26, 2022

Guest: Greg Utzig, local conservation ecologist and land use planning consultant

Hosts: Kayla Tillapaugh and Joelle Burnie

Keywords: Climate Change, flooding, extreme weather, Kootenay Lake, mudslides, water level changes, dams, history, wildfires, action, resilience, mitigation, adaptation, conservation.

Topics: Historic changes on Kootenay Lake, extreme weather events in the Kootenays, how to build community resilience to climate change, actions that can help us move forward.

Music: “River Flows” by Holly Hyatt Check her out here


Episode 19

750 Miles: Kootenay Pedalwheelers take on the Race to Alaska 

May 11, 2022

Guest: Jay Blackmore, a local sailor, diver, and member of the Kootenay Pedalwheelers

Keywords: Sailing, Kootenay Lake, Race to Alaska, Sailing Team, Water, Wind, Houseboat, Docks, Mainland, Marina, Weather, Boat Safety, Race to Alaska the Movie, Film Screening.

Topics: The joy of sailing natures elements, sailing on Kootenay Lake, living in a houseboat, otters and their behaviours, the Kootenay Pedalwheelers and their history, the Race to Alaska, preparing for the Race to Alaska, film screening event in partnership with Friends of Kootenay Lake, the Kootenay Pedalwheelers, R2AK, and the Civic Theatre.

Music: “Past the Point of Talking” by First After the Fire. Listen to them here.


Episode 18

Kootenay Lake Summit: Restoring Kootenay Lake’s Fisheries 

March 9, 2022


Harvey Andrusak, Former Regional Fisheries Biologist for the Kootenays

Matt Neufeld, Fish & Aquatic Habitat Section Head for Kootenay-Boundary

James Baxter, Aquatics Biologist with FortisBC

Kenton Andreashuk, Sr. Fisheries Guardian for Ktunaxa Nation Council

Marley Bassett, Fish Restoration Biologist and Project Lead on the Nutrient Restoration Program

Topics: Listen in on evening two of the Kootenay Lake Summit covering the topic of Restoring Kootenay Lake’s Fisheries. Panelists shared what species inhabit Kootenay Lake, the reasons for their decline, what’s being done to restore their populations, and ways we can move forward. The webinar was also open to questions from the audience, where participants shared their thoughts, experiences, and concerns with the panelists.

Music: “Fletcher Falls Reverie” by Dave Carroll

Poem: “Summers in the Kootenays” by Rayya Liebich


Episode 17

Kootenay Lake Summit: Envisioning Sustainable Boating on Kootenay Lake 

March 8, 2022


Heather Larratt, Aquatic Biologist and President/founder of Larratt Consulting

Kenton Andreashuk, Senior Fisheries Guardian with the Ktunaxa Nation

Dianna Ducs, Executive Director of Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism

Penny Caldwell, Owner of Sail Nelson

Topic: This episode is a recording of evening one of the 8th Annual Kootenay Lake Summit. The topic of this panel is Envisioning Sustainable Boating on Kootenay Lake. Panelists dive deep into past and current boating trends on Kootenay Lake, discuss what sustainable boating looks like on the lake and what is needed to move forward in this direction. In addition to these discussions, listen to what our audience have been observing on the lake and what questions they had for the panel.

Music: “Ride the Wave” by The Hillties. Website, InstagramFacebookSpotify

Poem: “When Beautiful is not Cliché” by Jane Byers


Episode 16

Woman in the Wild: Conservation Adventures in the Kootenays

Dec 12, 2021

Guest: Kat McGlynn, Wildlife Technician and Amphibian Enthusiast

Keywords: Wildlife, Salmon, Salmonid, Restoration, Conservation, Otter, River Otter, Slocan, Scat, Survey, Wildlife Survey, Sucker, Trout, Snorkeling, Freshwater, River, Rivers, Wildlife Conservation, Wolves, Swans, Science, Monitoring, Amphibians, Wetlands, Toads, Frogs, Northern Leopard Frog, Western Toad

Topics: Stories from the field; Slocan River snorkel swimming for fish conservation; River Otter scat surveys; Northern Leopard Frog conservation; Western toad roadkill mortality mitigation; how to protect amphibians and reptiles in your own back yard!

Music: “Water Rolls” by Born on a Wednesday, available on Bandcamp and Spotify. Visit their website and their Instagram page @bornonawednesdaymusic

Additional Resources: 

Fish and Wildlife Compensation Program website

Lake Watchers observations page

FrogWatch website

Central Kootenay invasive Species Society

FrontCounter BC



Episode 15

Political Environmentalism: Pursuing Water Stewardship Through Politics

Oct 5, 2021

Guest: Wayne Stetski, NDP Representative for the Kootenay-Columbia Riding

Keywords: Politics, Water Stewardship, Conservation, Restoration, Nutrient Restoration, Kokanee, Bull Trout, Rainbow Trout, Columbia River Treaty, Treaty Renegotiations, Government, Governance, Policy, Enforcement, Environmental Crime, Climate Change, Water Rights, Water Scarcity, Water Needs, MLA, Funding, NGO, Kootenay Lake

Topics: The Kootenay Lake Nutrient Restoration Program; The Columbia River Treaty and ongoing renegotiations for treaty improvements; The issue of lack of action by governments to address concerns that exist within “gray areas” of jurisdictional responsibility; Policy and enforcement as it relates to environmental crime; How governments can ensure Canadian’s right to fresh water will be protected considering pressures like climate change and the sale of water to foreign investors; How governments can address growing concerns of local aquatic invasive species infestations; Prioritizing environmental protections considering economic pressures; local government’s role in ensuring community water needs are met considering water scarcity; How to ensure politicians are kept up to speed on current scientific data to encourage pro-environmental political decision making, and how we can encourage core-funding streams for environmental and other NGOs.

Music: “Slip Away” by the Alan Kirk Band

Additional Resources: Find and contact your Provincial Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), Federal Member of Parliament (MP) or your Municipal or Regional government

Disclaimer: Our conversation with Wayne in no way alludes to any implied preference for any particular political party. Our interest in speaking with Wayne solely regards his personal work experience as it relates to protecting Kootenay Lake, and other water resources, for future generations.

Episode 14

Smoky Skies: Building Wildfire Resilience Around Kootenay Lake

August 23, 2021

Guest: John Cathro, Independent Forester working in Community Wildfire Preparedness

Keywords: Wildfire, Wildland Urban Interface Forestry, Climate Change, Smoke, Air Quality, Wildfire Risk, Risk Mitigation, Fire Suppression, Fuel Load Reduction, Fire Smart, Community Planning, Land-use Planning, Wildfire Preparation, Wildfire Trends, Youth Engagement, Public Education, Community Leadership, Evacuations, 72-Hour Preparedness Kits, Wildfire Preparedness Plans

Topics: A synopsis of the current state of wildfires in the Kootenay Lake area; Wildfire risks in our communities and ecosystems; Wildfire trends over time; Factors that perpetuate wildfire risk; The role climate change plays; Wildfire risk mitigation and adaptation; Firesmarting and how to get started; Fuel load reduction; Community planning and public education. Empowering and involving youth; The role governments and community leaders should be taking on to adequately address these concerns; How residents can prepare for evacuation orders.

Music: “Katabatic Wind” by Wayne Saluti (not available online).

Additional Resources:

Cathro Consulting Website

RDCK Fire Smarting resources

Provincial wildfire preparedness guide

Provincial recommendations for what to pack in your 72-hour emergency preparedness kit

Episode 13

Native Plants in Wild Spaces: Restoring Kootenay Lake’s Pollination Corridors

August 3, 2021

Guests: Ethnoecologist, Brenda Beckwith and Restoration Botanist, Valerie Huff with the Kootenay Native Plant Society

Keywords: Native Plants, Meadow-making, Meadow-scaping, Native Pollinators, Seed Collection, Kootenay Native Plant Society, Flowers, Biodiversity, Connectivity, Pollination, Funding, Non-profit Organizations, Wildflowers, Restoration Ecology,

Topics: Kootenay Native Plant Society and programs offered; Why plants?; Promoting good, effective restoration and conservation; How to start a wildflower meadow on your property; Common plants with special attributes; How communities can support pollination systems and biodiversity; Need for diverse funding streams; Dream restoration projects in the eyes of a botanist; Honourable mentions.

Music: “Solace of the Beating Heart” by Jay Danley featuring Alexander Brown. YouTube.

Additional Resources: Kootenay Native Plant Society website.

Wildflowers for Pollinators: A Citizen-Science Meadowscaping Initiative Video. 

Episode 12

Learning the Ropes A Kootenay Lake Sailing Experience

July 13, 2021

Guest: Penny Caldwell, Sailing Instructor and owner of Sail Nelson Boating School

Keywords: Sailing, Boating, Sail Nelson, Boating Safety, Sailing Adventures, Sailing Races, Boat Races, Boating School, Stewardship,

Topics: The many wonders of sailing, Sail Nelson boating school and the programs offered to the community, sailing culture on Kootenay Lake and how it compares to other regions in the country, the sailing experience Kootenay Lake has to offer, what to consider in terms of boating safety and safety gear, and stewardship ethics as they relate to sailing and boating in aquatic ecosystems.

Music: “Zephyr” by First After the Fire. Website. Facebook. Spotify. YouTube.

Additional Resources: Sail Nelson website. 

Episode 11

Yogic Stewardship: Practicing Mindfulness on the Shores of Kootenay Lake

May 4th, 2021

Guest: Swami Sukhananda, Resident Yoga Teacher at the Yasodhara Ashram

Keywords: Yasodhara Ashram, Yoga, Saraswati Lineage, Kootenay Lake, Meditation, Mindfulness, Union, Conservation, Stewardship, Yogic Philosophy, Stretching, Connection, Food Security, Climate Change, Yoga Retreats, Satsang

Topics: The Ashram including its programs, offerings and teachings; The Ashram’s connection to the Kootenay Lake Community; History of the Ashram including how it was founded and how the temple was built; Yoga as a practice for self improvement; How Kootenay Lake influences the meditative and yogic practices taking place at the ashram; How yogic philosophy closely relates to conservation and stewardship

Music: “Ride the Wave” by The Hillties. Website, InstagramFacebookSpotify

Additional Resources: Yasodrara Ashram Website

Episode 10

Shoreline Planning: Development Permitting and Regulations Around Kootenay Lake’s Shorelines

April 8th, 2021

Guest: Corey Scott, Planner with the Regional District of Central Kootenay

Keywords: Development, Development Permits, Development Permit Areas, Environmental Development Permit Areas, Riparian Areas, Shoreline Regulations, Local Government, Community Planning, Community Values, Shoreline Remediation, Shoreline Naturalization, Shoreline Conservation, Lakefront Properties

Topics: What and why of environmental development permit areas around Kootenay Lake; How to know when a development permit is required and what resources are available to residents and contractors; When, why and what of the Kootenay Lake Development Permit Area Review; How Kootenay Lake compares to other BC lakes in terms of shoreline regulations; Naturalizing shorelines; Community guided planning.

Music: “Western Wind” by Born on a Wednesday, available on Bandcamp and Spotify. Visit their website and their Instagram page @bornonawednesdaymusic

Additional Resources: RDCK Kootenay Lake Development Permit Area Review

Kootenay Lake Riparian Areas Workshops April 27th or 28th, 2021. Contact Corey Scott if you are interested in attending the workshops: cscott@rdck.bc.ca. Registration will be available at the above link closer to the dates. Download the workshop poster below for more information.


Episode 9

Hydro Logic: Looking at Kootenay Lake’s Ever-changing Hydrology

March 24th, 2021

Guest: Dr. Martin Carver, Hydrologist, researcher and Principal of Aqua Environmental Associates.

Keywords: Hydrology, Water, Dams, Climate Change, Treaties, International Governance, Ecological Impacts, Streams, Glaciers, Wetlands, Water Governance, Water Data, Disappearances, Shorelines, Lakefront, Development, Kokanee Glacier, Kokanee, Water Quality, Water Quantity, Flooding

Topics: Hydrology of Kootenay Lake; Historical and projected climate change impacts to Kootenay Lake and surrounding ecosystems including glaciers; Shoreline development on the lake; The importance of water data and where to access historical records; Threats to our local water quality; How we can work as individuals and as communities to protect our surface water.

Music: “Waves at the Shore” by Wayne Saluti

Additional Resources:

Water Monitoring and Climate Change in the Upper Columbia Basin Report

Purchase “The Purcell Suite: Upholding the Wild” on Amazon

Kootenay Watershed Science project information

Episode 8

Stop the Spread: Managing Aquatic Invasive Species around Kootenay Lake

March 9th, 2021

Guest: Khaylish Fraser, Aquatics Program Coordinator with the Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society (CKISS)

Keywords: Invasive Species, Aquatic Invasive Species, Aquatic Ecosystems, Zebra Mussels, Quagga Mussels, Eurasian Milfoil, Asian Clams, Boat Inspections, Stop The Spread, Clean Drain Dry, Prevention, Invasive Prevention, Don’t Let it Loose, Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society, Gardens, Water Gardens, Pet Stores, Aquariums,

Topics: How bad the aquatic invasive problem is in Kootenay Lake; Which Aquatic Invasive Species are on CKISS’s radar; Social, economic and ecological threats/impacts of aquatic invasives; What, where and why of boat inspections; Asian clams in Shuswap Lake and risk of spread; Points of introduction; invasive mussel sampling and testing; What people can do to mitigate the spread of aquatic invasives in our waterways

Music: “In My Room, Instrumental” by the Alan Kirk Band: Soundcloud, Facebook 

Additional Resources: 

CKISS Website, Facebook, Youtube

Grow Me Instead

Report an Invasive Species

Episode 7

Climate Activism: Building Resiliency Through Community and Policy

February 23rd, 2021

Guest: Laura Sacks, Climate Scientist and Chapter Leader with the Nelson/West Kootenay Citizens Climate Lobby

Keywords: Climate Change, Citizens Climate Lobby, Activism, Lobbying, Policies, Campaigns, Community Engagement, Sustainability, Local Governments, Youth, Carbon Tax, Disempowerment, Empowerment, Hope,

Topics: The Citizens Climate Lobby; Fridays for the Future and youth activism; The challenges of educating people on climate change, Lobbying to local governments; The shifting of perspectives relating to the climate crisis; Maintaining a positive outlook for the future while acknowledging the emotional toll of climate grief and learning self care; Laura’s experience hosting the Kootenay Co-op radio show “Climate of Change”.

Music: “Out There” by First After the Fire: Website, Facebook, Spotify

Additional Resources: CCL website

Episode 6

Dam Curious: Fortis BC Talks Hydroelectric Influence on Kootenay Lake

February 9th, 2021


Guests: James Baxter, Aquatics Biologist and Blair Weston, Community & Indigenous Relations Manager with Fortis BC

Keywords: Dams, Hydroelectric, FortisBC, Due Diligence, Fish, Salmon, Flooding, Lake, Reservoir, IJC Curve,  Water Levels, Columbia River Treaty, COFAC, Kokanee, Shore-spawning Kokanee, Fish Passage, Fish Migration, Indigenous Relations, Culture, Reconciliation, Funding, Safety

Topics: Which dams Fortis manages in the region; How Kootenay Lake water levels are connected to the dams; Flood mitigation on Kootenay Lake; What the International Joint Commission is; Fortis’ link to the Columbia River Treaty; What the  Columbia Operations Fisheries Advisory Committee is and what they do in the region; Work being done to manage for shore-spawning kokanee; Local discussions about fish passage and how Fortis fits into the discussion; How Fortis manages Indigenous relations while operating in culturally significant spaces; Fortis’ Community Initiatives Funding Program; Safety around dams.

Music: “Clean Water and a Bag of Rice” by Jay Danley

Additional Resources: Grohman Narrows Channel Improvement Project Presentation

Grohman Narrows Channel Improvement Project Update December 2015

Episode 5

Rewilding the System: Restoring the Yaqan Nukiy Wetlands

January 27th, 2021

Guest: Norm Allard, Community Planner with Lower Kootenay Band

Keywords: Wetlands, Restoration, Yaqan Nukiy, Lower Kootenay Band, Wildlife, Conservation, Invasive Species, Ecology, Species-At-Risk, Dams, Dikes, Machinery, Fish, First Nations, Floodplain, Floodwaters, Erosion, Wildlife Habitat,  Nutrient Exchange, Freshet, Natural Resources, Indigenous Knowledge, Hunting, Gathering, Capacity Building

Topics: History of the Yaqan Nukiy Wetlands; the importance of this ecosystem to the Yaqan Nukiy community/people and the cultural history of its significance; the work being done to restore the wetlands; concerns, impacts; species at risk; restoration plans and priorities; details on the complex process of restoring ecosystems.

Music: “Sliver of Sunshine” by Born on a Wednesday

Episode 4

Climate Change: Addressing Contrasting Narratives and Visualizing Local Trends

January 12th, 2021

Guest: Mel Reasoner, Climate Scientist

Keywords: Climate, Climate Change, Global Warming, Adaptation, Mitigation, Climate Change Skeptics, Climate Science, Geology, Geologic Record, Precipitation, Temperature, Mean Temperature, Ice Age, GHGs, Carbon Dioxide, Media Influence, Climate Projections, Wildfire, Sea Level, Flooding, Recreation, Domino Effect, Tipping Point, Positive Feedback Loops, Geoengineering, Youth Empowerment, Climate Politics

Topics: Climate change basics and common terms; scientific evidence that climate change is human caused; how to approach a climate change denier; global and local climate trends (historical and projected); adaptation and mitigation strategies; empowering youth to take action; climate action responsibility and climate politics.

Music: “Blue Pearl of the Universe” by Earl Hamilton.

Episode 3

Wetland Conservation & Restoration: A Glimpse at the State of Wetlands in BC

January 5th, 2021

Guest: Neil Fletcher, Manager of Conservation Stewardship with the BC Wildlife Federation

Keywords: Wetlands, Conservation, Restoration, Development, Threats, Appreciation, Habitat Loss, Climate Change, Regulations

Topics: Importance of wetlands for lake ecosystem health, types of wetlands, wetlands’ role in climate change, historical and current threats, where the province is at with wetland conservation and regulations and how people can get involved in wetland conservation.

Music: “Fresh September Commute” by Handsome Hansel

Episode 2

Nurtured by Nature: Kokanee Creek Park through the eyes of a Naturalist

January 5th, 2021

Guest: Joanne Siderius, Senior Naturalist with the Kokanee Creek Nature Centre

Keywords:  Wildlife, Youth Education, Park Etiquette, Nature, Camping, Provincial Parks, Wildlife Cams, Community, Respect

Topics: Information on the Kokanee Creek Nature Centre and programs, park etiquette, what it means to be a park naturalist, shore spawning kokanee, human wildlife interactions, and the greatest captures on park wildlife cams.

Music: “Fletcher Falls Reverie” by Dave Carroll

Episode 1

Kin Consciousness: Approaching Water Stewardship Through Spirit, Culture, Art and Science

January 5th, 2021

Guest: Eileen Delehanty-Pearkes

Keywords: Culture, Water Stewardship, Traditional Indigenous Knowledge, Dams, Columbia-Basin, Sinixt, Arrow Lakes, Connectivity, Ceremony, Healing, Allyship

Topics: The social,  cultural and geographical history of our region, the importance of water stewardship, the connectivity of all systems, and how traditional Indigenous knowledge can supplement modern scientific methods of stewarding and restoring aquatic ecosystems.

Music: “Mothertribe” by Aradia Chappelle