What We Do

Learn more about the Society's initiatives

Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society has provided a platform for a broad array of stakeholders to collaboratively learn about Kootenay Lake and its many values, identifying potential threats to the lake’s social and ecological values, conducting scientific inquiry into these issues, and proposing solutions. We’ve encouraged a broader and deeper understanding of the lake’s ecosystems and strived to build cooperative relationships among Kootenay Lake communities.

Kootenay Lake is a large, long, narrow, ultraoligotrophic lake bordered by the Selkirk and Purcell mountain ranges in southeastern British Columbia. The lake connects numerous quaint mountain communities and holds immense cultural, spiritual, ecological, economic, and recreational value. History has shown that without diligence on the part of local people, the values that lakes provide can be lost over time. Climate change, droughts, fires, development pressures and the cumulative impacts from shoreline development, increasing recreational demands, impacts from industrial and/or hydro-electric development, all present challenges for protecting the lake’s many features and values.

Communities can play an active role while many decisions affecting Kootenay Lake are made by various governments, agencies, and utilities. The Friends of Kootenay Lake has benefited the lake by bringing a grass roots perspective to how these organizations collaborate and exercise their responsibilities.

Watershed Monitoring

This project will improve the information on the status of breeding ospreys in the Kootenay Lake area.

Osprey Monitoring Program

This project will improve the information on the status of breeding ospreys in the Kootenay Lake area.

Lake Education

Kootenay Lake Presentation, Outreach at various community events, Kootenay Lake Library

Lake Planning

Working with the Kootenay Lake Partnership on the Lake Planning Process currently underway, Kootenay Lake Community Values Study

Shoreline Restoration

Convert your altered shoreline to a natural one, Shoreline restoration and resources (Kootenay Lake Partnership’s Shoreline Guidance Document), Wetland restoration

Lake Watchers Program

Water Quality Monitoring, Lake Observations, Report illegal activity, Osprey Nest Monitoring