Join us for our first online AGM on June 3rd at 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Through these challenging times, we here at FOKLSS have been keeping ourselves busy by planning a year of stewardship projects and we are so excited to share the work we have done with all of you.
Just like everyone else, we have had to adapt how we connect with our members and create an engaging virtual conversation about the stewardship of Kootenay Lake. We are excited to use this year’s AGM to explore accessible virtual opportunities for all lake residents.
As spring rounds the corner and more of us are spending time around the lake. This is the perfect time for people to get informed on where FOKLSS is working and how they can get involved in stewarding our lake ecosystem. An ecosystem that has supported us all during this isolating time in so many ways.
We encourage all who attend to consider becoming a member or renewing your annual membership.
For any questions or concerns contact Camille at