03 Jul Osprey Nest Monitoring Data Sheet
We are so excited to be releasing the final report from our very intensive Community Values Study. We will have the raw data up on our website for use very soon, so please stay tuned if you are interested in accessing this information. If you have any...
[caption id="attachment_1437" align="aligncenter" width="375"] Nest Box Design[/caption] Want to increase the habitat values on your property? Installing and maintaining nest boxes is a great way to help wildlife and increase wildlife viewing on your property. This nest box design package will walk you through how to...
Want to learn more about Osprey's their nesting behaviour and how to monitor their activities during breeding, but did not have a chance to attend the Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society Workshops in May 2016. Take the time to go through this comprehensive presentation...
The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations is responsible for stewardship of Provincial Crown land and natural resources, and protection of B. C.'s archaeological and heritage resources. Overseeing a land base of 94.8 million hectares, the Ministry supports the sustainable management of forest,...
OSPREY NEST MONITORING PROJECT The Osprey Nest Monitoring Project is a Citizen-Science initiative that seeks to build the capacity of information on the status of breeding ospreys in the Kootenay Lake area. The project will also contribute to engaging and educating Basin residents and catalyzing them...
[caption id="attachment_1317" align="aligncenter" width="1459"] Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is raising awareness about kokanee that spawn along the shoreline and is working with the Province to initiate a “report a spawner program”. This program will help to increase our understanding of what areas of...
Use of an Age-Structured Population Model to Determine the Possible Causes for Recruitment Failure The West Arm of Kootenay Lake once supported a significant burbot (Lota Iota) fishery with an annual harvest of up to 20,000 fish in the late 1960's to early 1970's. Catches declined precipitously...
This report provides an examination of the hydrograph of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake in relation to the shore spawning kokanee. The hydrograph has been altered significantly following a series of hydroelectric developments over the last century. Upstream and downstream impoundment and the subsequent...
Kootenay Lake Sport Fishing Update May 2015 This bulletin provides an update on the status of fish populations in Kootenay Lake and responds to concerns about: kokanee population status and recent disease findings, low catch rates of Gerrard rainbow trout in the sport fishery, poor condition of Gerrard rainbow...