Balfour Ferry Terminal Relocation- Reading List

Balfour Ferry Terminal Relocation- Reading List

Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society is in the process of collating information with regard to this issue. We will be reviewing information from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure and various sources before making any formal response. We will be attending the open house on Wednesday, June 15th from 5pm – 8pm at the Redfish school to hear various views that may be brought forward. We would like to gather as much information as possible.

What we do, however, feel strongly about is that any decision is based on maintaining or enhancing the ecological health of Kootenay Lake, its shoreline and surrounding community. We are already aware that the proposed move of the existing ferry terminal would have potential impacts on shoreline ecosystems, First Nations cultural values, shoreline property owners, nearby residents, nearby businesses, beach users and those who regularly use the ferry.

If you have any additional information that we can share with the Kootenay Lake community please send it to

Please join Friends of Kootenay Lake Stewardship Society at this event:

Public open house on Wednesday, June 15 2016

Redfish Elementary school’s gymnasium located at 265 Bryan Rd in Nelson.

located at 265 Bryan Rd in Nelson
 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

We have started a reading list of the various reports that have been drafted on this topic:

  1. Moving Forward: Setting a Course consultation for the Balfour Ferry Terminal Project
  2. Balfour Ferry Relocation Project – Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
  3. Queens’ Bay Ferry Terminal Concept Study 
  4. Kootenay Lake Ferry Study Final Report (2008)
Balfour Ferry terminal

Balfour Ferry terminal
