Join the Friends of Kootenay Lake for our Earth Day Weekend Beach Cleanups!
Feel good about giving a little love to your lake on Earth Day, we will be combing the beach picking up trash.
This is a free, fun event – snacks, refreshments, and arts & games will be provided!
Want to be part of the beach cleanups and enter to win $500??
We are looking for artists to sign up for our ‘Trash to Art’ competition.
Artists will participate in the beach cleanup and have one month to create an installation out of the trash collected. Installations will be on display at outreach events throughout the summer and the winner will take home $500, honorariums available for top three picks!
Contact nina@friendsofkootenaylake to register, participation is free!
All ages welcome.
Please bring a mug for your drinks.
Saturday April 21st: Crawford Creek Beach 10am– noon
Sunday April 22nd: Sandspit Beach @ Kokanee Creek Park 10am-noon
For any questions please contact us: nina@friendsofkootenaylake.ca
Give Back to the Lake You Love.